Wednesday, November 3, 2010

turkiya, "the Man" Cocky funny works like magic

turkiya, "the Man" Cocky funny works like magic. I was

trying to pick up a former Teacher Assistant of mine at

university for about a year. Sending nice email after

nice email, and getting totally stood up and/or blown

off. So I took the cf to the extreme. "I know you're

scared of meeting such an intelligent charismatic

rockstar like myself, because you'll fall so hopelessly

in love you couldn't take the rejection, fall into

habitual drinking, and eventually kill yourself... but

really its okay I'll treat you like an ass and you'll

hate me, and life will go on" Totally worked, the next

week she met me, and we hit it off really well, I kept up

the cf routine and we've been having a blast together.

My question is last night she really needed someone to

talk to, a lot of personal family issues to deal with.

Of course I lent and ear and in the end she felt a lot

better. But back when I was a wussy I used to do this

for women all the time, and as you can quite well

imagine I was always the 'friend'. Any thoughts?

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