Thursday, November 4, 2010

Remember the woman that had a friend that wanted to slap

Dear turkiya,

Remember the woman that had a friend that wanted to slap

the sh** out of you - you know, the crack pipe chick? That

woman was right about one thing - someone needs to get


She does and so do all of her milk toast, clueless and

probably dog-ugly friends! How in the world did she get

"lesbian" twisted into all of that? I read the e-mail for

crying out loud, and it sounds to me like this girl's in a

slump that makes the Devil Rays look like World Series


Injure a woman's delicate psyche? Give me a break. I hope

you guys out there don't believe a word of this girl's

whiny crap. If your girlfriends agree with her, I hope you

don't mind turning squishy and you better find a good

recipe for strawberry daiquiris and start planning for a

life filled with tupperware parties and purse shopping.

Let me set all of you guys straight who might still

possibly be on the fence at this point. Get turkiya's book.

I haven't read it yet - I'm still crackin' up over the

newsletter. I'm an attractive woman architect who works

in a man's world and would have it no other way! I'm

athletic, but still feminine. I'm pretty conservative and

don't cuss (anymore) so I'm proof that it's not just the

rough women that get turned on by the sport of a

challenging male. turkiya's right - I have a lot of male

friends and most of them want to be more than friends. I

could never put my finger on it before I started reading

turkiya's newsletters - they were nice and I've certainly

dated guys that weren't nearly as good looking as them,

but it's clear to me now. My guy friends are wusses.

Cocky + funny = SEXY! Don't ask me why, just do it. I

wish more of you would.

By the way, turkiya, the chicks out here that read (and

appreciate) your newsletter, need a formula, too.


ks in Kansas City

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