Thursday, November 4, 2010

Ooooooo, good question.

Ooooooo, good question.

I've seen a trend in the way guys who are learning to be

Cocky and Funny and to stay in control change.

As they're learning the techniques, they become more and

more attractive to women. Then, they meet a really amazing

woman - a woman that was previously "out of their league",

and they decide to start a relationship.

As soon as they start getting closer, the guy begins to

put aside the things that worked, and start being more

and more submissive... which, of course, drives this new

woman away.

Then I get an email saying "I want to be nice and sweet

and a good guy but still have all the super hot women

calling me 24/7".

Here's what I say:



And the way that you earn it is to learn what it takes

to make women feel ATTRACTION, learn what it takes to

NOT drive women away, then make these things part of


Are you with me here?

The problem is that "being yourself" for a lot of guys

means "being the type of guy that women don't feel any


If you can't make a woman feel the emotion of ATTRACTION,

then there's really nothing I can do to help you. If

you're not willing to do the work and make the changes

more or less permanent, then you're going to have a long

uphill battle.

And in your case, you have to realize that this woman

was attracted to you for a REASON, and if you stop that

REASON, then you're going to stop the ATTRACTION.

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