Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How to do it Right

Once you get a default way to handle each common

situation, and you start experiencing SUCCESS on a regular

basis with women, you'll GAIN the ability to create

better ideas on the spot.

Action Steps:

1) Choose the one situation that happens most often, the one

that you'd like to have an EXACT default sequence of words

and behaviors to use to get you to the next level.

2) Close your eyes, and mentally run through the last five

or ten situations like this that you were in.

3) Brainstorm 10 or 20 great ways that you could handle

this particular situation in the future.

4) Choose the one single best idea on the list, and refine

it down to an exact sequence.

5) Close your eyes again and mentally rehearse it. See

yourself doing it in your mind's eye. Move around and play

it out... if you need to stand up, do it. Actually imagine

that a woman is in the room with you, and pretend that

you're getting her number, kissing her, or whatever.

6) If your mom comes into your room, quickly transition

into "Macbeth" and claim that you were improvising on


Seriously, it's ULTRA important for you to know what

you're going to do next time you're talking to a woman and

you want to ask for her email of phone number.

If you don't know what you're going to do and exactly

how to do it, then you're probably going to come across

like Mr. Smooth in the cel phone store...

Here's the irony of this situation:


But if you don't, then they won't either.

A woman will think to herself... "He seems nice, funny,

interesting. I wish he'd ask me for my number... Oh, he's

nervous... how cute. Well, if he can't get up the nerve to

ask me for my number, then I'm not going to overcome his

inner WUSSY and do it for him. Poor thing."

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