Sunday, May 2, 2010

How To Impress Girls? Even if you dont know her !!!

How to really impress a girl? Seems like a tough question isn't it? Well the true art of impressing girls lies in the

simple fact that they are not impressed by anything which seems fake or unoriginal. Most guys tend to act or be like someone

else just in order to impress girls but never succeed with it. The key here is to be an original as possible in order to

impress your girl. Read on to find out some of the best tips on how to impress a girl and achieve desired results.

Don't try to impress- Yes here it is the very big secret in front of you! The best way to impress a girl is not to impress

her. Now you might be wondering how does this really work. Well when most guys try to impress girls they tend to become more

unauthentic and try to show off with almost anything and everything. Girls are not impressed by such tactics and would end up

putting you in the "Show off" category. The best way to impress a girl is to be yourself and let things happen automatically.

Natural talent works- If you thought that girls are impressed by money and material things all the time than you are highly

mistaken. If girls are impressed by your money than they are probably looking for money and not you. The best way to impress

a girl and retain your status is by the way of natural talents which involve the way you talk and present yourself. You need

girls to respect you for what you are and not what you possess.

What do you have? - No girl would be impressed by you unless you have something which is different from the rest. Girls

normally get hit on by several men everyday and almost all those men try to impress them with all they've got. If you are

doing and following the same tactics as all those men than you would never succeed in your quest to impress girls. Show your

true self while trying to impress a girl and try to be your best self. Don't talk to her with the quest to impress rather try

to do what you normally do. One of the best aspects which almost every girl demands and gets impressed by is intellectuality.

Try to develop your intellectual skills. This can be done by the way to reading books and being up to date with the latest

happenings. Remember being a good talker is the foundation of impressing almost any girl.

Shocking Secrets of Women

Ever tried to wonder what's in a woman’s mind? What is she thinking about? Do you know that women do not always mean what

they say. They might say something and mean the exact opposite. But what do women actually want? Read on to discover some of

the most shocking secrets women don't want men to know.

Blonds aren’t always dumb- If you thought all of them were dumb than you are strongly mistaken. Hair colour does not affect a

person's IQ. They only act dumb to seem cute or get you to spend money on them and if you do that than you are dumb not them.

Women get jealous as hell- They might deny it but the fact is they get extremely jealous even if their man talks to a random

female or maybe a friend. She might pretend to act all nice but inside her jealousy volcano is about to erupt.

I am the sexiest of them all- Every woman has this mind frame no matter how much they try to deny it. Almost every woman

wants to feel like the one and only beauty queen in the world as if nothing compares and demand royal treatment from all men.

Am I fat- I know you’ve heard this one time and again but let's all admit to it officially! No matter how skinny she is she

would never consider herself thin. Almost every woman occasionally asks this annoying question- "Am I looking fat in this


They always lie about shopping- They might be out grocery shopping but always end up getting something for themselves which

they thought was cute. They either try to hide it or lie about its price saying it was on sale.

Don't share secrets with them- If you have than you are already on prime time radio. Almost every woman shares each and every

secret with her friends. They tend to share their secrets over a cup of coffee and have a good laugh over it. And yeh when I

say secrets it means your private secrets as well ( he he) if you know what I mean.

What shoes are you wearing- If you thought it was a myth than think again. Women do judge a man by his shoes. So better make

it a point to wear nice clean shoes the next time you walk out.

They know when you are cheating- Women have inbuilt instincts and emotion system which beeps and alerts when their man is

cheating. No matter how big of a player you are you would always be caught no matter what.

An absolute must know for you- This secret is an absolute must know for you no matter what. This is the grand daddy of all

which would give you the ultimate power to become a magnet towards which every woman would be attracted. This is only known

to a few and you are one of the lucky one's who are being introduced to this shocking secret  !!!!

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